... as if writing a blog was doing anything different!

Anyway, I keep meaning to start up a separate blog about Korean films, but never get around to it -- I can hardly keep this one going! Meanwhile, I'm still contributing the occasional review to Darcy Paquet's
KoreanFilm.org site. My take on Bong Joon-Ho's latest film
Mother, went up just a few days ago. Two of Bong's films,
Memories of Murder and
The Host, got limited US release on the screen and DVD; if you liked either one, you'll want to watch out for
Mother, too.
I have maybe a dozen other reviews on the site, ranging from
little independent films to
TV dramas to
older films. I like seeing older Korean movies, which are often
quite good in their own right, but also to see what Korea looked like forty or
fifty years ago. I feel good about getting my review of
Mother online, though, because it's the first review of a current movie I've done there.
(Mother with the golf club in the bushes: image from