And the books themselves? "Walker shuns the sort of bibliomania that covets first editions for their own sake—many of the volumes that decorate the library's walls are leather-bound Franklin Press reprints." A lot of bibliophiles look down their noses at Franklin Press, but my problem here is that it sounds as if those "leather-bound" volumes were bought to look classy on the shelves, not for their contents. I wonder how many of the books in this library were bought by Walker himself? It's a safe bet that such a busy man has staff to dust the shiny toys, and I'll bet there are no stacks of books on the floor that he hasn't yet got the shelf space for.
The human equivalent of this library porn would be a sculpted, toned mannequin with minutely coiffed hair and (for those so inclined) expertly applied makeup -- the kind of person you couldn't touch because it would muss their hair or smear their lipstick. Not very sexy to my mind, but to each his or her own.

My ideal library would be in a city, I think. A few years ago I stayed with some friends in Seoul who had just moved into a six-room apartment overlooking the Han River. They were just about a block from the subway station. I think my books could just about fit into a space like that, and the location is ideal. Now all I need is to win the lottery or the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes, and I'll be off. Unlike Nicola, I wouldn't install an espresso machine or "perhaps a little fridge for the caviar..." Let's see, though, what would I need in the way of equipment? Maybe a theater-style popcorn popper and a dispenser for lime-flavored Diet Coke.