I wrote back to tell her that if she can explain to my satisfaction why the president named walking tumor Alan Simpson to head a wholly unnecessary deficit reduction commission, and why the president thinks he has the authority to assassinate US citizens on his own say-so, I will send her $5 by midnight Tuesday despite being on a fixed income of the sort that Alan Simpson despises. She probably gets a lot of email but since she doesn’t spend a lot of time sending it I’m hoping she’ll find the time to respond to mine before the Tuesday midnight deadline. I want to help!I want to help, too! I want to help Barack Obama return to private life and a cozy cell in the Hague, next to George W. Bush.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands
BTCNews has this charming photo of our President, and elsewhere this suggestion for dealing with dunning e-mails from the Democratic Party.